Historical Review on the Chinese Footbinding 체육사 : 중국(中國) 전(纏)족(足)에 관(關)한 사적(史的) 고찰(考察)
金賢德KimHyun-Duck , 辛受容ShinSue-Yong
37(3) 9-17, 1998
Historical Review on the Chinese Footbinding 체육사 : 중국(中國) 전(纏)족(足)에 관(關)한 사적(史的) 고찰(考察)
金賢德KimHyun-Duck , 辛受容ShinSue-Yong
To attempt new understanding of Chinese footbinding of continuing tradition for a thousand, the main purpose of present review was focused on investigating entity of Chinese footbinding first, and reviewing relation between culture and footbinding harmful to physical activity of Chinese women second.
The conclusions obtain after historical review were as follows;
The origin time was known generally from Nan-T’ang Period(961-975) populared in footbinding, after that spreaded to overoll province in Song Period and very prevalenced in the Ch’-ing Dynasty in China. The essence of footbinding was characterized to sexuality, the popularity to men was due to respectful mind to foot and boots of women with present of caressness, and was based on women’s gait pattern from gait with footbinding. On the basis of the former, It was concluded aesthetic point view of the smaller boots towomen with lunar-solar idea would be fitted and deepening from education of sexual difference and chastity ideas.
The booting method of footbinding was made to arc condition between phalangeal and dorsi-plane of foot after binded in maximal flexed condition forward foot-hill point for 4 phalangeals excepts for 1st phalangeal with 5-7age girls on the refreshing day.
This convention was disappeared rapidly after nowdays China’s establishment with anti-footbinding movement between citizen and missionaries during the mordenizing process, disappeared completely for 8 year of against Japan was in 1937.
The footbinding influenced to body seriously to physiological and appearance of body structure, and given difficulty to not only performance due to informalized foot, gait, feasible physical condition, limited movement but also many patients, insufficient living activity with handicapped condition, lowered women’s social position, therefore China`s economic difficulty and mal-influence to social development generating insufficient labor ability.
The footbinding in cultural aspects depressed to the concerns and capability to several physical activity of dancing, horse riding, sword dancing, originated great development of dancing arts by history.
Because of sexual eccentricity and economical position, footbinding was disappeared after a side of sex culture continuing for a thousand, but mal-custom of anti-humanism pained to Chinese women.
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The Study of Women's Recognition of Sport according to the Gender Role Attitude 체육철학 : 여성의 성역할 태도와 스포츠 인식의 관계
노은이EunYeeNoh , 여인성InSungYeo
37(3) 21-31, 1998
The Study of Women's Recognition of Sport according to the Gender Role Attitude 체육철학 : 여성의 성역할 태도와 스포츠 인식의 관계
노은이EunYeeNoh , 여인성InSungYeo
The purpose of this study is to examine women’s recognition of sport by gender role attitude. The results would be suggest a direction to improve women’s gender role attitude and recognition of sport effectively.
Three hundred thirty five women were selected from residents in Seoul(Kangnam-gu, Songpa-gu, Chongro-gu, Youngdeungpo-gu) by using a stratified cluster random sampling.
The survey questionnaires used in order to investigate a relationship between recognition of sports and gender role attitude in this study is the questionnaires of ‘Research of the Koreans current participation of physical exercise’ from Korean government, ‘Sex-role attitude scale’ from Osmond-Martin, ‘Feminism scale’ from Singleton & Christiansen, ‘Sex role orientation scale’ from Brogen & Kutner, and ‘The study of consciousness and living conditions of women’ from Korea women development institute.
The data was analyzed by One-Way ANOVA, t-test and Chi-Square Test using SPSS program and conducted Post-Hoc Multiple Comparison Tests (Duncan’s multiple range test) if significant group differences were found with the ANOVA procedures.
Based on the procedures and results of this study, the following conclusions were suggested:
First, modem gender role attitude group of women has more positive recognition of direct sport participation than traditional gender role attitude group of women.
Second, modem gender role attitude group of women and traditional gender role attitude group of women have not significant difference about indirect sport participation.
Third, traditional gender role attitude group of women considers the characteristic of sport for man.
Fourth, traditional gender role attitude group of women has more negative recognition about that their children become athlete than modern gender role attitude group of women. Both groups have more negative recognition about female child becomes athlete than male child in difference of children`sex.
Fifth, most women of both groups have negative recognition of female athlete’s social statue.
Sixth, most women of both groups recognize to have positive relation between the development of female elite sport and the national development.
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A Sociobiological Approach to the Origin of Sport Activities 체육철학 : 스포츠행위의 근원에 대한 사회생물학적 접근
채한승HanSengChae , 김경원KyungWonKim
37(3) 32-40, 1998
A Sociobiological Approach to the Origin of Sport Activities 체육철학 : 스포츠행위의 근원에 대한 사회생물학적 접근
채한승HanSengChae , 김경원KyungWonKim
There are three concepts on the origin of sports. From the aspect of cultural anthropology, physical exercise or sport activities of the human beings seem to have been combined with the social practices like rituals or burial rites, and served to experience freedom from the constraints of daily life. According to Historical Materialism, sport activities were orginally one with the means of production which were necessary to unconsciously prepare the individuals unconsciously for the hardships of life.
Recently, the sociobiological framework, as a new concept on the origin of sports, has continually gained the importance. This concept, founded on modern ethological studies and with special emphasis on the evolutionary points of view, stresses the self-preservation of the human species which can be achieved by the release of instinctive impulses. Within the ethological framework the origin of human sport activities is explained as resulting from instinctive impulses for play, exploration, motion, and intraspecific aggression. The release of impulses like aggression and playful bodily exercises are sure to contribute to the stability and security of the individual and society.
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A Study of the Relationship between Sports Participation and Juvenile Delinquency 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 참여와 청소년 비행에 관한 연구
고재곤JaeGonKo , 정호원HoWonJeong
37(3) 43-52, 1998
A Study of the Relationship between Sports Participation and Juvenile Delinquency 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 참여와 청소년 비행에 관한 연구
고재곤JaeGonKo , 정호원HoWonJeong
Common knowledge, as well as some formal studies support the position that sports help to keep young people out of trouble. This assumption is incorporated into the broader belief that sport builds character, and that through sport participation young people internalize the values and norms of conventionality and thus are taught to be good citizens. However, recent studies indicate that sports can not influence the participants behavior towards delinquency or that it incites them towards a deviant behavior. Therefore, the main-purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sports participation and juvenile delinquency. This study has three sub-purposes.
First, to compare the level of delinquency between athletes and non-athletes in High School.
Second, to investigate the relationship of delinquency between athletes according to the amount of time spent in sports.
Third, to investigate the relationship of delinquency between non-athletes according to the frequency alloted towards sport participation.
This study was conducted on 563 High School students in Seoul, selected by random-order-sampling. The data was analysed with statistical analysis such as t-test, factor analysis, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis.
The findings in this study are as follows:
First, the rate of delinquency was higher with non-athletes than that of athletes.
Second, there is no difference in the level of delinquency coresponding to an athletes career.
Third, as the rate of sport participation increased, the rate of delinquency also increased.
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The Relationships among Social Support and Stress Coping Behavior of Leisure Sports Activity Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠활동 참가자의 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처행동의 관계
김경임KyoungYimKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
37(3) 53-63, 1998
The Relationships among Social Support and Stress Coping Behavior of Leisure Sports Activity Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠활동 참가자의 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처행동의 관계
김경임KyoungYimKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the relationships among social support and stress coping behavior of leisure sports activity participants. For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 450 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method from the participants in leisure sports activity programs of five culture centers and sport facilities located in Seoul and the Metropolitan area.
The survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The questionnaire for leisure perception was `Leisure Diagnostic Battery(LDB)` developed by Witt and Ellis(1987) and standardized in Korean language by Won(1989). The questionnaire for social support was `Interpersonal Support Evaluation List(ISEL)` developed by Cohen and Hoberman(1983) and standardized in Korean language by Kim and Lee(1989). And the questionnaire for stress coping behavior was `The Ways of Coping Checklist(TWCC) developed by Folkman and Lazarus(1985) and standardized in Korean language by Kim and Lee(1985).
The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, ANCOVA, MCA and standard multiple regression analysis.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, social support and stress coping behavior are not different by the leisure sports activity participation type.
Secondly, degree of leisure sports activity participation influences on social support.
Thirdly, leisure sports activity participant`s social support partially influence on stress typing behavior.
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The Study on the Audience's Satisfaction and the Trend of Reports on the Male and Female Sports through Media Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 미디어 스포츠의 남녀 스포츠 보도경향과 수용자 만족도에 관한 연구
37(3) 64-78, 1998
The Study on the Audience's Satisfaction and the Trend of Reports on the Male and Female Sports through Media Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 미디어 스포츠의 남녀 스포츠 보도경향과 수용자 만족도에 관한 연구
The purposes of this study were consist of two parts. The first is to investigate the trend of reports on the male and female sports through media sports such as sports articles in the newspapers. The second is to examine the relationship between the audience’s satisfaction of the trend of reports on the male and female sports through media sports and the degree of audience`s interest on the reports.
The subjects of this study were divided into media sports area and media sports audience area. Media sports samples were collected through sports sections of Korean daily newspaper which are The Chosun, The Choong-Ang, The Hankook, and The Dong-A Ilbo, and the sampling period were January 1 to December 31 of 1996. Media sports audiences were selected by their age(over 10 year old) and their living place(living in Seoul), and the Systematic stratified cluster random sampling method were used.
The total size of the subjects of this study was 580 media sports audiences.
The measurements of media sports were investigated using categories of qualitative and quantitative analysis which Duncan, Messner, Jensen(1990), Duncan, Hasbrook(1988) used on their studies. The measurement of the relationship between the degree of audience`s interest on reports of media sports and the audience`s satisfaction on the trend of reports on the male and female sports through media sports were examined by the scales of Korean Broadcasting Institute(1995), S. Kim & Y. Kim(1996) and Y. Kim(1997).
Statistics employed for data analysis were Descriptive, Multiple Classification Analysis and Ancova using the SPSS/PC^+ statistical package.
The conclusions are as follows.
First, the trend of reports through media sports such as sports articles in daily newspaper were very different between male and female sports.
Second, the degree of the audience`s interest on sports reports through media sports were statistically significant in the audience`s satisfaction on the article size, contents, and format in the newspapers. But the variety of sports items, degree of informational communication were not statistically significant.
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The Relationships of Types of Leisure Activity on Family Life Satisfaction Among Married Women 스포츠 사회학 : 기혼여성의 여가활동 유형과 가정생활만족의 관계
37(3) 79-91, 1998
The Relationships of Types of Leisure Activity on Family Life Satisfaction Among Married Women 스포츠 사회학 : 기혼여성의 여가활동 유형과 가정생활만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of types of leisure activity on family life satisfaction among married women. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the type in leisure activity on family life satisfaction by comparing the difference of psychological, educational, social, physiological, relaxational, and environmental satisfaction.
Subjects of this study were sampled 459 married women. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, the type of leisure activity among married women an influence on the economic satisfaction of family. The economic satisfaction of family differ from the type of leisure activity among married women, and sport activity is greatly.
Second, the type of leisure activity among married women an influence on the inter-family satisfaction. The inter-family satisfaction differ from the type of leisure activity among married women, and touring-outing activity is greatly.
Third, the type of leisure activity among married women an influence on the household work satisfaction. The household work satisfaction differ from the type of leisure activity among married women, and touring-outing activity is greatly.
Forth, the type of leisure activity among married women an influence on the inter-couple satisfaction. The inter-couple satisfaction differ from the type of leisure activity among married women, and sport activity is greatly.
Fifth, the type of leisure activity among married women an influence on the whole life satisfaction. The whole life satisfaction differ from the type of leisure activity among married women, and play-recreation activity is greatly.
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The Relationship between Participation in Sport for All Program and Social Support 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가경험과 사회적 지지의 관계
37(3) 92-102, 1998
The Relationship between Participation in Sport for All Program and Social Support 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가경험과 사회적 지지의 관계
With the development of modern society, the autonomy and self-expression of each individual has been increasing, however, there is a trend toward the gradual weakening of human relationships and collective consciousness. Moreover, urbanization and the nuclearization families is making people`s tendency toward individualism. Accordingly, for the formation of desireable social relationships and collective consciousness, there is a need to encourage collegial consciousness, comraderie, and the spirit of cooperation and harmony among the constituent members of society through participation in sport for all.
For this reason, the present study has its goals in ascertaining the relative influence that participation in sport for all exerts on social support, and in elucidating the cause and effect relationship among the variables of participation in sport for all and social support. The present study took as its object adults presently in 1998 residing in Seoul and twenty years of age or older. Using a multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling, after selecting twelve district offices, we extracted 360 participants in sport for all from groups which participated in sport for all, commercial and non-profit sports centers, and individual free particpants. Then we extracted 600 non-participants who live in the previously selected twelve district offices, and in the case of indirect participants in sport for all, using the quota sampling method we extracted 96 from public sports organization, 72 from 72 from non-profit sports centers and 72 from commercial sport centers. From our target sample of 1,200, excluding those who dropped out in the course of research or those questionnaires that were judged unreliable, the sample number used in actual analysis was 934 people.
The content of the questionnaire used for this research was made up of five questions concerning socio-demographic characteristics, six questions on participation in sport for all, and twelve questions on social support for a total of 23 questions. The reliability and appropriateness of the questionnaire was confirmed based on pilot test, a meeting of specialists, a calculation of Cronbach`s α value and factor loading value used confirmatory factor analytic technique.
In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWin Version 7.5 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequencies, average comparative analysis, ANCOVA.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. The participation in sport for all influences social support, material support, and emotional support.
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The Changes of Mood State by Overload Training Program 스포츠 심리학 : 과부하 훈련 프로그램에 따른 정서상태의 변화
김민현MinHyunKim , 김광래KwangLaeKim
37(3) 105-113, 1998
The Changes of Mood State by Overload Training Program 스포츠 심리학 : 과부하 훈련 프로그램에 따른 정서상태의 변화
김민현MinHyunKim , 김광래KwangLaeKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of mood state by overload training program. Twelve physical education student divided into two groups. Overload training group(n=6) compose of baseline training phase(one-week), high intensity interval training phase(two-week, three-week, four-week), regeneration training phase(five-week, six week).
Non-training group not perform systematic training program by increased training intensity, duration, but participate in recreational activities.
On days pre, after the one-week, four-week, six-week the both group subjects were required to undertake a test of mood state. Statistics of results is carried out to compare a series of factorial two-way ANOVA(repeated measure of analysis) and SNK test. The results show the were significant changes as follows:
1. Between group, group & period interaction were significant changes only in anger, depression, vigor, but tension was significant changes only in between groups.
2. Total mood, Anger, Depression, Vigor, Tension were significant changes only in overload training group, but depression was significant changes in both group.
Conclusively training affect in mood state, the more training volume increased, the more negative mood factor increased, whereas the more training volume reduced, the more positive mood factor increased. Therefore mood state is used in diagnosis tool of psychological non-adaptative state by training.
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The Effect of Mental Training on Swimmers' Competitiveness 스포츠 심리학 : 심상훈련이 수영선수의 수행력에 미치는 영향
김승철SeungChulKim , 김종구JongKooKim
37(3) 114-127, 1998
The Effect of Mental Training on Swimmers' Competitiveness 스포츠 심리학 : 심상훈련이 수영선수의 수행력에 미치는 영향
김승철SeungChulKim , 김종구JongKooKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mental trainings on competitive anxiety and siwmming performance.
The subjects involved in this study were elite high school swimmers(3 male and 5 female). The subjects were instructed to include the mental training program, specially designed for swimmers by the researcher, before and after their regular practice.
CSAI-2 inventory was administered 3 times to the subjects, before the implementation of the mental training program and two more times with 3-month interval. Those measures were taken 20-minutue before the competitions.
The data were analyzed using one-way repeated ANOVA with three dependent variables, the scores of cognitive and somatic anxiety and confidence.
The swimmers records of the subjects taken during the three competitions were compared in relation to the pattern of the change of CSAI-2 scores
The results obtained from this study were:
1. The mean values of cognitive and somatic anxiety were significantly reduced, but that of confidence was increased over the 6-month mental training period.
2. Among the 8 subjects, six of them improved swimming record.
In general, It can be concluded that the mental training program specially designed for swimmer had positive effects on the reduction of competition anxiety. At the same time it appears to increase the level of competitive confidence. Consequently, the low level of anxiety, complied with high level of confidence seem to have a positive influence on the swimming performance.
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Motor Control as a Continuous Process 스포츠 심리학 : 연속적인 과정으로서의 운동제어
37(3) 128-140, 1998
Motor Control as a Continuous Process 스포츠 심리학 : 연속적인 과정으로서의 운동제어
The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual framework for the task constraints and programming of motor commands during goal-directed movements by identifying evidence for preprogramming and on-line modulation of motor commands from muscle activation patterns emerged in various task situations. Patterns of agonist and antagonist muscle activities observed under diverse task conditions suggest that control of goal-directed movements involves both preprogramming and on-line modulation of motor commands. In order to produce a specified movement, the control system has to assign specific parameters to controlling factors of motor commands, and this process seems to continue throughout the movement. Controlling factors of motor commands can be divided into two components, fixed and random, and motor output during an intended movement is determined by the coordinated actions of the fixed and random controlling factors. Classifying the motor commands into fixed and random controlling factors provides a conceptual framework for investigating the processes for both preprogramming and on-line modulation of motor commands. Although the proposition that motor commands are composed of multiple controlling factors which can be either preprogrammed or on-line modulated seems to make the movement control process more complicated, this, in fact, provides the control system with the flexibility required to achieve a specified movement goal with various control strategies. The attempt to investigate the preprogramming and on-line modulation processes separately does not indicate that they are independently controlled mechanisms. Rather, these processes are not mutually exclusive, and their roles during a movement are interdependent. However, the processes for preprogramming and on-line modulation differ in temps of the temporal sequence of programming the controlling factors, information sources, and sensitivity to altered task environment. Therefore, a better understanding of the movement control process requires knowledge about operating mechanisms for the preprogramming and on-line modulation of motor commands, behaviors of fixed and random controlling factors, and contributions of those controlling factors to determining the patterns of motor output.
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A Test of a Causal - Structural Model on the Sport Coping Effectiveness 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 대처 효과성에 대한 인과적 구조 모델 검증
유진JinYoo , 박성준SungJunPark
37(3) 141-152, 1998
A Test of a Causal - Structural Model on the Sport Coping Effectiveness 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 대처 효과성에 대한 인과적 구조 모델 검증
유진JinYoo , 박성준SungJunPark
The main purpose of this study was to verify a sport coping effectiveness model by using a structural equation modelling. It was hypothesized that there would be significant causal relationships among sport coping style, stress control, and athletic performance. Four coping styles(problem focused, emotional focused, detached, avoidance) would influence the stress control, which in turn affect athletic performance. 532 athletes who participated in various sport activities were selected, and by employing the Korean Athlete Sport Coping Scale(KASCS) their preferred coping styles during stressful training and competitive situations were asked. Their perceptions of stress control by typing and subjective athletic performance were also assessed. Overall, the insults of independent t-tests indicated that there were significant differences in coping styles used by athletes according to sex, level, events. The structural equation modeling proved to have good fit for the sport coping effectiveness model. The problem focus, the emotional focus, and the detachment coping via stress control resulted in significant path coefficients. However no significant path coefficient from the avoidance coping style via stress control was found. As expected, stress control in the coping effectiveness model was regarded as the mast significantly and directly affecting factor on athletic performance. These results were discussed with the processes of coping styles, and implications for future studies were suggested.
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The Immediate Effects of Various Task Presentation Timing on Students Skill Learning of the Shot - put Throw 스포츠 심리학 : 다양한 과제제시 타이밍이 포환던지기 기능학습에 즉각적으로 미치는 효과
37(3) 153-164, 1998
The Immediate Effects of Various Task Presentation Timing on Students Skill Learning of the Shot - put Throw 스포츠 심리학 : 다양한 과제제시 타이밍이 포환던지기 기능학습에 즉각적으로 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of various task presentation timing on student’s skill learning of the shot-put throw. The subjects used for this study were one hundred twenty middle school students were recruited from the general student population enrolled in physical education classes in secondary high schools a mid-size city. Subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: (a) Before - received task presentation before trial from an instructor; (b) Interspaced - after received task presentation with 10 trials and task presentation again midway in the 20 trials; (c) Middle - after 10 trial, task presentation midway in the learning trials only; (d) Control - received neither treatment. Subjects were provided information through videotaped teacher’s task presentation. The results of the study indicated that this investigation both supported and extend previous modeling research that suggests that the impact of modeling on motor performance and learning is influenced by the timing of the task presentation. Additionally, this was an attempt to increase the ecological validity of modeling research by using a controlled live model as well as a real-world task. The results of the study highlighted the importance of task presentation timing and suggests that task presentation can be provided again if students do not have clear idea on the task.
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A Study of Pulmonary Function in Athletes by Events and Nonathletes - Focused on Kumdo , Fencing , Ssirum and Rowing college Players - 스포츠 생리학 : 종목별 운동선수 폐기능에 관한 연구 - 검도 , 펜싱 , 씨름 , 조정 대학 선수를 중심으로 -
권태동TaeDongKwon , 박덕일DeokIlPark
37(3) 167-176, 1998
A Study of Pulmonary Function in Athletes by Events and Nonathletes - Focused on Kumdo , Fencing , Ssirum and Rowing college Players - 스포츠 생리학 : 종목별 운동선수 폐기능에 관한 연구 - 검도 , 펜싱 , 씨름 , 조정 대학 선수를 중심으로 -
권태동TaeDongKwon , 박덕일DeokIlPark
This study was aimed to elucidate the effect of physical fitness training on pulmonary function. 44 healthy male subjects(15 Kumdo players, 10 Fencing players, 10 Ssirum players and 9 Rowing players) who have undergone regular physical training for more than five years were randomly chosen as athletic subjects, and 10 regular students who have not been engaged in any form of regular physical exercise or training were chosen as nonathletic subjects. The measurement results of pulmonary function test were compared among athletic groups by events and nonathletic group.
The results were summarized as follows.
1. In static lung volume, VC was significantly(p<0.01) different among each group. Especially Ssirum group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than Kumdo group and Nonathletic group. IRV and ERV showed no significant difference among each group. TV was significantly(p<0.05) different among each group, and Ssirum group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than Rowing group and Nonathletic group.
2. In dynamic lung volume, FVC was significantly(p<0.05) different among each group. Especially Rowing group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than Kumdo group and Nonathletic group. FEV_(0.5), FEV₁ and FEV₁/FVC were not significantly different among each group.
3. FEF_(0.2∼1.2L), FEF_(25∼75%), FEF_(25%), FEF_(50%), FEF_(75%) and PEF were not significantly different among each group.
4. FIV_(0.5) were significantly(p<0.05) different among each group. Especially Ssirum group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than other groups. FIF_(50%) and PIF were significantly(p<0.01, p<0.05 respectively) different among each group. These values of Ssirum group were significantly(p<0.05) higher than those of Fencing group, Rowing group and Nonathletic group. FEV_(0.5)/FIV_(0.5) was also significantly(p<0.05) different among each group. The value of Fencing group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than that of Kumdo group and Ssirum group.
5. MVV was not significantly different among each group. But RR and MTV measured during MVV measurement were significantly(p<0.001) different among each group. Kumdo group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than other groups in RR, and Ssirum group was significantly(p<0.05) higher than other groups in MTV.
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The Effects of Regularly Exercise of Physiological Age and Physical Fitness Age in Middle - aged Men 스포츠 생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 중년남자의 생리적 연령과 체력 연령에 미치는 영향
37(3) 177-189, 1998
The Effects of Regularly Exercise of Physiological Age and Physical Fitness Age in Middle - aged Men 스포츠 생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 중년남자의 생리적 연령과 체력 연령에 미치는 영향
This study, both examining 21 physiological variables and 5 physical fitness variables out of a group of the 57 middle aged males(age range, 40-45), and analyzing their physiological age(PA) and physical fitness age(FA) using principal components analysis. The middle aged males whom I selected for this study were: 27 members of an early morning soccer club who has exercised more than 3 years-more than 30 minutes a day and more than 3 days a week; the 30 sedentary males of non-exercising group. Besides, this study investigated the difference in their physiological variables and physical fitness variables between the group which exercised regularly and continuously, and the non-exercising group.
The results were as follows:
1) In PA, the exercising group was estimated 38.3 years old and the non-exercising group 40.79, and compared with their chronological age, the former was 3.71 years younger and the latter 1.48.
2) In FA, the exercising group was estimated 35.1 years old and the non-exercising group 41.13, and compared with their chronological age, the former was about 7 years younger and the latter 1.1.
3) The gap in PA and FA between the exercising group and the non-exercising group showed significant difference: the exercising group, compared with the non-exercising group, was estimated 2.47 younger in PA and 6.05 in FA.
As shown above, the middle aged males(40-45), who has exercised regularly, were higher in their physiological and physical fitness state but lower in both PA and FA than the non-exercising group.
Thus, I find that a regular exercise delays aging and prolongs life span. I suggest that future research should continue the evaluation and estimate of PA using different types of exercises, sex and exercise career and also keep developing more scientific research methodology in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
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A Study on Cell Immunity in VT - trainees by Skin Test 스포츠 생리학 : 피부반응도에 의한 환기역치 훈련인의 세포성 면역력에 관한 연구
37(3) 190-200, 1998
A Study on Cell Immunity in VT - trainees by Skin Test 스포츠 생리학 : 피부반응도에 의한 환기역치 훈련인의 세포성 면역력에 관한 연구
The results of this study revealed the notable difference of CMI(cell mediated immunity) in ventilatory threshold(VT) trainees and in a normal healthy group(control group) by Multi CMI skin test.
The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows;
1. The number of responded antigens and the size of induration in the positive skin test was different from a VT-trainee to a normal healthy person. The maximum response of VT-trainee peaked at 24hr, whereas the maximum response of a normal healthy person peaked at 48hr.
2. Among the seven antigens, the maximum respose against Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Candida albicans was distictly different between VT-trainees and normal healthy persons.
3. Total numbers of the respoded antigen was higher in VT trainee at 24hr than in normal healthy person(p<.01). There was also difference in the incidence or size of duration, at the site of the positive skin reaction. The VT-trainee group had the larger induration size than healthy group(p<.05).
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The Effects of Resistance Exercise and Aerobic Dance on Physique , Physical Fitness of Girl Students at the Age of Prepuberty 스포츠 생리학 : 저항운동(抵抗運動)과 에어로빅 댄스가 사춘기(思春期) 전기(前期) 여학생(女學生)의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
박진성JinSungPark , 이종완JongWanLee
37(3) 201-215, 1998
The Effects of Resistance Exercise and Aerobic Dance on Physique , Physical Fitness of Girl Students at the Age of Prepuberty 스포츠 생리학 : 저항운동(抵抗運動)과 에어로빅 댄스가 사춘기(思春期) 전기(前期) 여학생(女學生)의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
박진성JinSungPark , 이종완JongWanLee
This study is to study the effects of physical activities on physique, physical fitness of the fourth grade girl students in elementary school.
Twenty weeks of implementation was given to the volunteer students, divided into three groups, (A) Aerobic dance and resistance-exercise group, (B) aerobic dance group, and (C) control group. One-hour exercise with intensity of 60∼85% HRmax and RPE 11∼15 were given to the students 3 times a week.
The results are as follows:
1. Changes of Physique
1) The height of all the groups A, B, C were significantly increased(p<.001), but there was no direct relationship between height and exercise.
2) The weight of group A and B were significantly increased at the level of p<.01 and p<.05, respectively, but C was not.
3) The chest girth of the groups A, B and C were significantly increased(p<.001, p<.05 and p<.01), respectively.
4) The sitting-height of the groups A, B and C were significantly increased(p<.01, p<.05 and p<.01), respectively.
2. Changes of Physical fitness
1) Nine min.-run of group A and B were significantly increased(p<.05 and p<.0l), respectively, but group C was not.
2) Push-ups of the group A, B and C were significantly increased(p<.001, p<.001 and p<.05 respectively).
The differences between the group A and the group B, C were significant at the level of .001.
3) Sit-and-reach of the group A, B and C were all significantly increased(p<.01).
4) %Fat of group A and B were not significantly increased, but C was(p<.01).
5) LBM of groups A and B were significantly increased(p<.01), but C was not.
6) Fat of group B and C were significantly increased(p<.05 and p<.01), but B was not.
Based on the results above-mentioned, we can conclude that moderate exercise is the important factor even to the young students at the age of prepuberty for the good physique and physical fitness.
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Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on repeated maximal Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Elements Changes in Amateur and Competitive Rowers 스포츠 생리학 : Creatine 구강 투여가 반복되는 조정선수의 최대 운동 수행과 혈중 피로 요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
37(3) 216-228, 1998
Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on repeated maximal Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Elements Changes in Amateur and Competitive Rowers 스포츠 생리학 : Creatine 구강 투여가 반복되는 조정선수의 최대 운동 수행과 혈중 피로 요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of oral creatine supplementation on repeated bouts of maximal rowing performance and to follow the changes of blood fatigue elements, such as, lactate, ammonia, inorganic phosphate. Also the study was to investigate the enzyme activity that was involved in ammonia production to verify the delay of exercise fatigue by Cr supplementation. All of the tests were performed on a rowing erogometer. Subjects of present study were divided into highly a trained competitive rower group(HTR:n=6) and amateur university rower group(AR:n=6). All subjects participated in the rowing test which consisted of three bouts of 200m maximal rowing with 3 min of recovery in between the trial. After the preliminary test. All subjects were given a 5-day supplementation of Cr monohydrate at a rate of 20g·d^(-1).
In the exercise performance time, there was a significant difference between HTR and AR group following Cr supplementation(p<.05). There was no significant mean blood lactate difference between Cr supplementation and Cr non-supplementation. However, in Cr supplementation experimental condition, blood lactate concentration increased from trial 1 to trial 2, but there was little decrease in the trial 3. The blood ammonia concentration was increased in all experimental condition following repeated bouts of rowing exercise. There was a significant difference in mean blood ammonia concentration between groups(p<.05), but not supplementation condition(p>.05). Also, there was big individual differences in blood ammonia concentration in both HTR and AR groups. Although adenylate deaminase activity in the Cr supplementation experimental condition was much smaller than that of Non-supplementation experimental condition, there was no significant difference in adenylate deaminase activity after the repeated bouts of rowing exercise in all conditions. Also, the correlation between ammonia accumulation and adenylate deaminase activity was very low(r=0.47, p>.05). There was a significant mean creatine kinase acitivity difference between HTR and AR group(p<.05), but there was no significant difference between Cr supplementation and Non-supplementation experimentation conditions(p>.05). Generally, creatine kinase activity was increased during the repeated bouts of maximal rowing performance and the magnitude of the increase in HTR group was slightly greater than that of AR group. Also, there were big individual differences in creatine kinase activity. Blood inorganic phosphate concentration in Cr supplementation experimental condition was lower than that of Non-supplementation experimental condition, so there was a significant mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration difference in groups(p<.05).
Therefore, this study concluded that Cr supplementation had a ergogenic effect on energy metabolism as well as positive effects on blood fatigue element changes.
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Skeletal Maturity and the Prediction of Adult Height Estimated by Tanner & Whitehouse in Children and Youth 스포츠 생리학 : Tanner - Whitehouse 방법에 의한 유 . 청소년들의 연령별 골격 성숙도와 성인 신장의 추정
송종국JongKookSong , 유승희SeungHeeYoo , 손두옥DuOhkSon
37(3) 229-241, 1998
Skeletal Maturity and the Prediction of Adult Height Estimated by Tanner & Whitehouse in Children and Youth 스포츠 생리학 : Tanner - Whitehouse 방법에 의한 유 . 청소년들의 연령별 골격 성숙도와 성인 신장의 추정
송종국JongKookSong , 유승희SeungHeeYoo , 손두옥DuOhkSon
The purpose of this study was to assess skeletal maturity and the prediction of adult height in Korean boys and girls. The subjects consisted of 124 children aged 6 to 16 years. The TW2 method was used to evaluate skeletal maturation. All skeletal maturity assessments of the samples were made by one of the authors(S.J.K). The reliability of the ratings by the study assessor was tested using a random sample of radiographs from 30 boys and girls, aged 7-16 years. The mean absolute difference between fast and second assessment was 0.16 years for the RUS(SD=0.21) system and 0.18 years for carpal(SD=0.24) system. Reliability was therefore good. The results show that in the boys, the RUS scores have been changed from 136 for 6 years to 768 for 16 years. When compared with the TW2 Gentiles, our samples were found to be low. 40% of boys had RUS scores below the 3rd Gentile. And 56% of girls had RUS scores below the 10th Gentile. Over 70% of boys and girls had carpal scores below the 10th Gentile. This indicates that reference data presented herein are delayed for both RUS and carpal scores.
Boys were found to have lower mean bone age relative to their chronological age. However, girls over 9 years had similar mean bone age relative to their chronological age.
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The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on body Composition and Plasma Lipids of Obesity Middle Girl Students 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소운동과 무산소운동이 신체구성과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on body Composition and Plasma Lipids of Obesity Middle Girl Students 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소운동과 무산소운동이 신체구성과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
In order to clarify whether body composition and plasma lipids were changed by 12 week aerobic and anaerobic exercise or not, 30 obesity girl students from K middle girl school were chosen as subjects in this experiment. The groups were identified on the basis of exercise type as follows: ① control group, ② aerobic exercise group, and ③ anaerobic exercise group. 4km running and dumbbell gymnastics were applied to these groups for 12 weeks. Body composition and plasma lipids were analyzed before and after the experiment.
As a result of experiment, both aerobic exercise group and anaerobic exercise group were significantly decreased weight, body fat mass, skin fold thickness, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride and total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol.
These results suggest that both aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise for 12 weeks effect on body composition and plasma lipids in obesity middle girl students. Therefore, it was obvious that anaerobic exercise was available for obesity middle girl students.
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The Comparison of Cardiac Structure , Function , and Catecholamines between Athletes and Nonathletes 스포츠 생리학 : 구기 운동선수와 일반적인 심장구조 및 기능과 최대하 운동시 혈중 Catecholamine 변화 비교
37(3) 256-263, 1998
The Comparison of Cardiac Structure , Function , and Catecholamines between Athletes and Nonathletes 스포츠 생리학 : 구기 운동선수와 일반적인 심장구조 및 기능과 최대하 운동시 혈중 Catecholamine 변화 비교
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of long term exercise on structural and functional changes of the heart. This study was conducted by comparing between 10 athletes and 10 nonathletes. Blood samples for chacecholamines were taken from antecubital vein in rest and immediately after submaximal exercise(Vo₂max 80%) by running on treadmill. Data was analyzed by t-test and ANOVA of SPSS.
The results were summarized as follows:
1. No difference in heart structure exists between two groups under resting.
2. Significantly difference in HR exists between two groups under resting and immediately after exercise.
3. The changes of catecholamine in resting were no significantly different, but immediately after exercise were significantly decreased in athletes than nonathletes.
As a conclusion, these results suggested that exercise has minimal influence on the structure of the heart even when exercise is performed regularly for a long period of time. In relation to functional aspects of the heart, however, exercise significantly influences the cardiovascular system.
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The Effects of Exercise Intensity and Dietary Restriction on Body Composition , and Metabolic Variables during Exercise and Recovery Period in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도와 식이요법이 신체구성과 운동중 및 회복기 대사변인에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 고성식SungSickKo
37(3) 264-277, 1998
The Effects of Exercise Intensity and Dietary Restriction on Body Composition , and Metabolic Variables during Exercise and Recovery Period in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도와 식이요법이 신체구성과 운동중 및 회복기 대사변인에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 고성식SungSickKo
The purposes of this study were to compare the effects of 3 weight control program, and to verify which one was most reasonable and effective method. The 18 female collegiate students, who were the residents in the same dormitory, participated as the subjects of this study, and were divided randomly into 3 groups; DR-group(dietary restricted group), LI-group(low intensity group), and HI-group(high intensity group). For both exercise groups, the caloric intake was 2000kcal per day, and energy consumption during exercise was 300kcal per day for 4 days, totally 1200kcal per week. For DR-group, the energy supply was limited to 1800kcal a day for 6 days so that the amount of negative energy balance could be with the exercise groups. LI-group and HI-group performed bicycle ergometer exercise at the intensity level of 50% VO₂max for 70minutes, and 80% VO₂max for 40 minutes, respectively.
The dependant variables in this study consisted of two parts, body composition and metabolic variables. To compare the difference of body composition among 3 groups, 3 × 3 combined design two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA were used. Independent groups t-test, and 2 × 5 combined design two-way ANOVA were used for compare the metabolic variables. The statistical significance was set at .05.
The results were obtained as followings. First, fat weight and % body fat decreased significantly in each group. On the other hand, body weight was decreased in both DR-group and LI-group except in HI-group. However, soft lean body mass was increased in both HI-group and LI-group except in DR-group.
Second, the RER were lower in LI-group during exercise(p<.05). However, RER was decreased in HI-group during the recovery period(p<.05). EPOC and its equivalent caloric value of HI-group were higher than that of LI-group (p<.001), and the high metabolic rate compared with the resting level was maintained untill 60min for HI-group and 30min for LI-group, respectively(p<.001, p<.01). Results of the study indicated that all 3 methods were effective for decreasing body weight. However, the dietary restriction was not advisable for its harmful effect, the decrease of LBM. The differences existed between the effects of exercise intensity. The low intensity exercise was helpful for decreasing body weight and for increasing LBM whereas the high intensity exercise did not cause the significant change of body weight. It was due to the increased muscle mass following the high intensity exercise. Also, the results indicated that weight loss was due not only to the energy expenditure during exercise but to the increased fatty acid oxidation during the recovery period. The high intensity exercise increased the rate of fat oxidation during the recovery period and LBM. It was concluded that the high intensity exercise may be used for those who are obese and lack of muscle without any cardiopulmonary diseases.
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The Effect of Caffeine Ingestion on LA , FFA Response during Submaximal Ergometer Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대하 운동중 Caffeine 투여가 혈중젖산 및 유리지방산에 미치는 영향
채정룡JeongRyongChae , 조성초SungChoJo
37(3) 278-288, 1998
The Effect of Caffeine Ingestion on LA , FFA Response during Submaximal Ergometer Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대하 운동중 Caffeine 투여가 혈중젖산 및 유리지방산에 미치는 영향
채정룡JeongRyongChae , 조성초SungChoJo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of caffeine ingestion on blood lactate and free fatty acid during submaximal bicycle ergometer exercise. Subjects were 8 male university students. 4 male students were athletic player,
and the other 4 subjects were physical education major students.
Double blind over cross method was used for the experimentation.
Each subjects participated in both caffeine and control trials. Both groups were tested by using the submaximal bicyle ergometer protocol. In Test, all subjects warmed up with 50 Rpm at 75 watt for 3min. and there after the work rate was gradually increased 25 watt every 1min. until target heart rate. 2×2×5 Factorial ANOVA Repeated measure design method was performed for data analysis at the 0.05 level of significance.
One 40min before the caffeine trial, each subject ingested 6mmg/kg of dehydrated caffeine, while only placebo was taken for the contrial.
There were five blood collection sessions for both the caffeine trial and the contrial, 40min before exercise, just before exercise, during exercise, just after exercise, and 30min. during recovery. The blood metabolic variables in the observed sources are blood lactate, free fatty acid.
Throughout the exercise, heart rates were measured every 3min. All the subjects were not allowed to drink during the exercise.
In this study, I had following result after comparing and analysing.
1. There was no significant difference in blood lactate level between the two trials, but there was significant in processing times between the two trials.
2. Any significant difference was not found in free fatty acid level between the two trials.
In conclusion, there was no significant ergogenic acid effect of a dosaged of caffeine ingestion before the submaximal bicycle ergometer exercise.
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The Effects of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on the Muscular Function and Respiratory Ventilatory Function on Ship and Land 스포츠 생리학 : 육상과 선박내에서의 8주간 서키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 근기능 및 폐환기능에 미치는 영향
하해동HaeDongHa , 김기봉KiBongKim
37(3) 289-303, 1998
The Effects of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on the Muscular Function and Respiratory Ventilatory Function on Ship and Land 스포츠 생리학 : 육상과 선박내에서의 8주간 서키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 근기능 및 폐환기능에 미치는 영향
하해동HaeDongHa , 김기봉KiBongKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological changes by circuit weight training(CWT). The subjects of this study were consisted with 16 students on ship(experimental group(SE) : N=8, control group(SC) : N=8) and 16 students on land(experimental group(LE) : N=8, control group(LC) : N=8). The measured items were the muscular function and respiratory ventilatory function. The conclusions are as follows:
1. Muscular function
1) Back strength in SE and LE groups increased significantly(p<.01, p<.05, 8.86% and 7.08%). Grip strength was increased slightly in 4 groups but there was no significance.
2) In push-ups, all 4 groups were increased significantly (p<.05, p<.01), sit-ups also were increased significantly in SE and LE groups(p<.05, 6.71% and 9.62%).
3) In SE and LE groups, standing long jump increased significantly(p<.01, p<.05, 4.49% and 6.09%), but only in LE group, side step increased significantly(p<.01, 5.84%).
2. Respiratory ventilatory function.
1) Forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume per sec and maximal voluntary ventilation in SE and LE groups were increased but there were no significance.
2) Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure in SE and LE group were decreased but there were no significance.
3) Treadmill running time in SE and LE groups was increased significantly(p<.01, p<.05, 10.78% and 11.07%).
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Dynamic Relationship between Segments during Front Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기 동작시 분절들의 동역학적 상호작용
김용이YongEeKim , 신용석YongSeokShin , 최지영JiYoungChoi
37(3) 307-318, 1998
Dynamic Relationship between Segments during Front Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기 동작시 분절들의 동역학적 상호작용
김용이YongEeKim , 신용석YongSeokShin , 최지영JiYoungChoi
The kinetic analysis of Taekwondo kicking has been studied by various researchers and their main interest was to understand the kinematics, kinetics characteristics of the Taekwondo kicking motion and to apply it to the real filed of Taekwondo.
The joint moment determined by kicking motion is not only the result of the muscle moment but also combines the adjacent segment moments, there for the purpose of this study is to earn a better understanding of the Taekwondo kicking motion by determining the net muscle moment and the moments of the adjacent segments in Taekwondo kicking by using the motion-dependent interaction term.
Eight Taekwondoists volunteered for this study. The filming was done by a Angenieux 12-120㎜ zoom lens attached to a high speed camera. The kinematics, kinetics datas were analyzed by a LabVIEW program.
The knee joint muscle moment was about 90% of the net joint moment at the impact. The other motion-dependent term moments acting on the knee joint at impact was about 10% of the net joint moment and the most active factor was the angular acceleration of the thigh term.
The hip joint muscle moment(-433.07±164.81 Nm) at impact was about thirty times larger than that of the net joint moment(14.00±17.33 Nm), this is some what different with that of the knee joint. This appeals that at the hip joint the motion-dependent terms were much more active in the motion. The most active motion-dependent term factor at the hip joint was the angular acceleration of the shank term.
In conclusion, to explain a segmental motion one should analyzed the motion-dependent interaction terms and compare it with the most effective factor before coming up with a conclusion.
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운동역학 : 체조 평행봉에서 힘 물구나무서기 ( Press Handstand ) 동작에 관한 운동 역학적 분석
김윤지 , 김혜영
37(3) 319-327, 1998
운동역학 : 체조 평행봉에서 힘 물구나무서기 ( Press Handstand ) 동작에 관한 운동 역학적 분석
김윤지 , 김혜영
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Analysis of the Kinematical Characteristics on Sprint Start in 500M Short Track Speed Skating 운동역학 : 숏트랙 스피드 스케이팅 500m 경기 출발동작의 운동학적 특성분석
신성휴SungHyuShin , 윤동섭DongSeobYoon , 백진호JinHoBack
37(3) 328-337, 1998
Analysis of the Kinematical Characteristics on Sprint Start in 500M Short Track Speed Skating 운동역학 : 숏트랙 스피드 스케이팅 500m 경기 출발동작의 운동학적 특성분석
신성휴SungHyuShin , 윤동섭DongSeobYoon , 백진호JinHoBack
The purpose of this study was to examine the kinematical characteristics on the sprint start position and the starting motion in 500m short track speeding skating, and to grope for the better starting technique. As the subjects, six short track skaters, 4 females and 2 males, who were members of a national short track skater team ranked the top class of world competition.
3 S-VHS vedio cameras were used for the data collection. And for the synchronization fo three cameras, it was used the moment of braking out the balloon as the syn-event. The Direct Linear
Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordinates of 25 landmarks(21 body and 4 skate landmarks(Abdel-Aziz & Kararah, 1971) and a cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation. It also caculates the location of centeer of mass using Plagenhoef`s data.
In this study, the starting movement was divided into 5 events(L1, R1, L2, R2, L3) and three phrases(LLD1, LLD2, LLd3) for the data analysis. From those, kinematical variables was calculated, and the following conclusions were drawn;
1. The time by phase shows that LLD1 was relatively longer than the other events.
This result comes from the fater skate blade movement at first contcat, and leads to the succesful record.
2. The shorter gliding time time decreases the speed reduction factor and incerase the stroke rate, and this lead to the succesful record. For the better record, the stroke lengh with considering the stroke rate should be lengthened.
3. The blade angle indicated the skating characteristics. It was found that the larger 0push-off was the important factors for the effective skating.
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The Effects of Midsole Hardness and Body Weight on the Shock Attenuation and Rearfoot Control in Running 운동역학 : 주행 시 체중에 따른 운동화 중저 경도가 충격 흡수 및 후족 제어에 미치는 영향
이연종YeonJongLee , 류지선JiSeonRyu
37(3) 338-348, 1998
The Effects of Midsole Hardness and Body Weight on the Shock Attenuation and Rearfoot Control in Running 운동역학 : 주행 시 체중에 따른 운동화 중저 경도가 충격 흡수 및 후족 제어에 미치는 영향
이연종YeonJongLee , 류지선JiSeonRyu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of midsole hardness of sport shoes and body weight on rearfoot control and shock attenuation during running, and then to give the informations of the optimal midsole hardness of sport shoes on body weight. The subject of this study was 24 healthy male runners with rearfoot strikers. Subjects classified according to body weight. Body weight were divided into 3 group: light weight group(50kg), average weight group(70kg), heavy weight group(90kg). And three types of running shoes with midsole hardness of Shore A 40, 50 and 60 were selected. Each subject run with three different types of sport shoes at 4.0m/s and a rearfoot motion and ground reaction force during running were measured using 16mm high speed camera and force plates.
And for the data analysis, the stance phase during running was divided into 3 phases(heel contact, mid-stance, toe-off). At each phase, angle of achilles tendon and ground reaction force data were calculated from the position data.
After analyzing the angle of achilles tendon and ground reaction force at each phase, the following findings are obtained:
1. For the light weight group, the midsole hardness influences the initial achilles tendon angles and impact forces peak but does not influences the maximal achilles tendon angles, the toe-off achilles tendon angles, the minimal ground reaction forces and the active forces peak.
2. For the average weight group, the midsole hardness influences the impact forces peak, the minimal ground reaction forces and the toe-off achilles tendon angle, but does not the initial achilles tendon angles, the maximal achilles tendon angles, and the active forces peak.
3. For the heavy weight group, the midsole hardness influences the impact forces peak, the maximal achilles tendon angles and the toe-off achilles tendon angles, but does not influence the initial achilles tendon angles, the minimum ground reaction forces and the active forces peak.
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The Analysis of the Game Points by Attacking and Foot Step Patterns for Taekwondo Game 운동역학 : 태권도 선수의 경기시 발자세 형태에 따른 공격유형별 득점기술분석
이승국SeungKukLee , 양대승DaeSeungYang
37(3) 349-356, 1998
The Analysis of the Game Points by Attacking and Foot Step Patterns for Taekwondo Game 운동역학 : 태권도 선수의 경기시 발자세 형태에 따른 공격유형별 득점기술분석
이승국SeungKukLee , 양대승DaeSeungYang
The intent of this study was to investigate and compare individual characteristics of taekwondo attacking points by foot step patters for taekwondo game. This study observed quartet final (64 game), the semi-final (32 game) and final matches (16 game) of national championship from februry of 1997 untill february of 1998. In comparing attaking points by foot step patterns, triangle pattern foot step (5.44 points) as compared to other pattern foot steps (fan pattern foot step, 4.41 points, an oblique pattern foot step, 4.14 points) were getting more attacking points and in defence attaking points by foot step patterns, triangle foot step pattern (5.44 points) as compared to other foot step patterns (an oblique pattern foot step 3.93 points, fan pattern foot step, 3.11 points,) were also getting more defence attacking points, fan pattern foot step (1.11 points) one of the foot step patterns is more getting proximal distance attacking points than other foot step patterns triangle foot step pattern (0.44 points), an oblique pattern foot step(0.29 points).
In comparing kicking patterns by foot step patterns in initial attack techinique, dol-ryu-cha-ki (same form, 22 points) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns quick moving dol-ryu-cha-ki (13points), dol-ryu-cha-ki (different form, 8 points), double kick (5 points) in an oblique pattern foot step. In case of triangle foot step pattern foot step, quick moving dol-ryu-cha-ki (15 pointsis) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns dol-ryu-cha-ki (same form 13points), dol-ryu-cha-ki (different form, 6 points), double kick (5 points). Also, dol-ryu-cha-ki (same form, 14 points) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns quick moving dol-ryu-cha-ki (11 points), ax kick (different form, 5 points), double kick (4 points) in fan pattern foot step. In comparing kicking patterns by foot step patterns in defence attack techinique, back kick (16 points) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns punch (12 points), dol-ryu-cha-ki (11 points), double kick (9 points) in an oblique pattern foot step. In case of triangle foot step pattern, dol-ryu-cha-ki (18 pointsis) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns back kick (14 points), double kick (9 points). Also, dol-ryu-cha-ki (8 points) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns one step back and dol-ryu-cha-ki (5 points), back kick (5 points), ax kick (3 points) in fan pattern foot step.
In comparing kicking patterns by foot step patterns in proximal distance attack techinique, there statistically significant among foot step patterns in proximal distance attack techinique (p<.05), In getting point techinique in taekwondo game, double kick (2 points) is highest frequency of kicking patterns in other kicking patterns (dol-ryu-cha-ki, 1 points), in an oblique pattern foot step, dol-ryu-cha-ki is greatest (2 points) in triangle foot step pattern, dol-ryu-cha-ki is greatest (5 points) and double kick (2 points) in fan pattern foot step.
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The Ground Reaction Analysis of Swing Motion for Progolfers 운동역학 : 프로 골프 선수의 스윙 동작에 대한 지면 반력 분석
37(3) 357-366, 1998
The Ground Reaction Analysis of Swing Motion for Progolfers 운동역학 : 프로 골프 선수의 스윙 동작에 대한 지면 반력 분석
The purpose of this study is to give an effective golf swing motion for a long hit.
4 male PGA golfers were taken part in the experiment, in which golf swing action were divided into 4 phases. This study analyzes pattern of weight movement in each phase ground reaction for weight of each foot.
The followings summerize results of the experiment.
1. An aspect of change for ground reaction was that the weight between the left foot and right foot were contrary to each other in general as the phases, the force for before and behind, right and left appeared different in accordance with phases
2. The average vertical force(Fz) in ground reaction of address phases was shown left foot 54%, right foot 46%, The max vertical force in ground reaction force was shown in left foot just before impact with S4 exception.
3. The rates of strength for weights of ground reactions were 108% for the left foot in Topswing 56%, 75% for the left and 77%, 29% for the right foot in impact and finish phase. It was thought that the motion was a role hold balance of the body.
4. The average vertical force was shown for left foot 60% and far right foot 40% just impact.
This was shown many and some fewer than cooper(1974) in left foot 75% right foot 25%.
It was thought to be the phenomen a for upward Centripetal force of body CG at the instant of impact. Therefore the greater vertical force for body weight, the better the timing at just before impact, the less vertical force, and the better at the instant of impact.
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Kinematics Analysis of the Motion of Drive and Smash in Table Tennis 운동역학 : 탁구 드라이브와 스매시 동작의 운동학적 분석
정태응TaeEungJung , 손명성MyungSungSon
37(3) 367-380, 1998
Kinematics Analysis of the Motion of Drive and Smash in Table Tennis 운동역학 : 탁구 드라이브와 스매시 동작의 운동학적 분석
정태응TaeEungJung , 손명성MyungSungSon
The purpose of this study was to provide the quantitative data for the motion of drive and smash in table tennis. Among(4) the subjects in this study, two players belong to the top level of world and the rest as college player belong to the level of national team.
They were by the type of pen golder and vidiotaped by four video cameras with the frame rate of 30 FPS. This data was then reduced to 3D coordinates by the DLT method.
It was concluded:
1. When driving, there were little difference between G1 and g2 in full swing time, as for G1, the interval of the back swing and the impact was shorter than that of G2, but the time of the follow-throw back was longer than that of G2, and when smashing, G1 was more quick than G2.
2. Center of gravity: the quantity of movement G1 was fewer than that of G2. So the locomotion velocity of the center of gravity was slower than that of G2.
However, in smashing, G1 the horizontal velocity of the center of gravity was faster than G2.
3. The change of a racket speed being from the back swing to the follow-throw:
The result showed that there was no difference between G1 and G2 a racket speed, ultimately, G1 was faster than G2.
For further study, I would like to advise as follow:
1. The research on motion analysis as well as the calculation of a ball speed through high speed carmera is needed.
2. The study of the force analysis through a forceplteform is needed.
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A Kinematical Analysis of the Jump and Step Shoot in the Handball 운동역학 : 핸드볼 점프슛과 스텝슛 동작의 운동학적 분석
This research has been done by 5 male handball players in P University who has played at least for 8years. Through the 3-dimensional motion analysis, the differences of phrases of jump shoot, step shoot was analyzed according to the speed of each joint, degree, momentum, and released time. And then the relative differences and characters of two motion has been examined closely like this. 1. The center speed of each joint and ball has shown that the speed of body segment increased as the order of trunk-upper arm-lower arm-hand-ball. The final speed transmitted to the ball showed that the jump shoot was 23.09m/sec. It was a little more faster than in the jump shoot.
2. When back swinging, the speed transmitted to the each joint of jump shoot showed higher than that of step shoot.
3. In flight, jump shoot means duration of flight and step shoot means the distance between two steps. The longest time of duration of flight showed the same in two motions.
4. The distance of jump shoot of sub-C was 232cm. It was longer than that of step shoot of sub-B 134cm.
5. In momentum, the step shoot of sub-B was 264.38kg·m/sec. It was higher than that of jump shoot of sub-C 348.17kg·m/sec.
6. After researching the transition of degree when shooting, the research shoved that in the case of jump shoot, it was more advantageous when enlarging the angle of back swing and releasing to increase the speed of ball. At this moment, the angle of elbow was 133.84° at back swing and 160.41° at releasing. But in the case of step shoot, the angle of elbow was 121.12° at back swinging and 148.26° at step shoot. It showed that the waist couldn`t be efficiently used when step shoot comparing to jump shoot. 7. The released time showed that when jump shoooting, sub-C was 0.25sec at back swinging and 0.58sec at releasing. When step shooting, sub-E was 0.22sec at back swinging and 0.55sec at releasing. Sub-E showed the longest released time all of the case.
For efficient jump shoot, fexibility and higher power should be maintained if flight time and vertical height will be high. Also, taller than lower handball players should be advantage in the game.
In the step shoot, first, distance between two step should be short in the view of the fexibility of waist and agility, second, the angle of elbow should be quickly high from backswing to release.
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Analysis of Joint Motion in Tennis Spin Serve 운동역학 : 테니스 스핀 서브동작시 관절운동의 분석
진영완YoungWanJin , 이성철SungCheolLee , 유병인ByungInYoo
37(3) 393-403, 1998
Analysis of Joint Motion in Tennis Spin Serve 운동역학 : 테니스 스핀 서브동작시 관절운동의 분석
진영완YoungWanJin , 이성철SungCheolLee , 유병인ByungInYoo
The purpose of this study was to describe the three dimensional multi-axial motions and the relative angles between the segments of the tennis spin serve motion.
Seven Korean national tennis players volunteered for the this study. With the collected film data we embedded the local axes on the shoulder joint and the upper limb joints, utilizing the Euler`s angle we calculated the relative angles of the segments and the kinematic variables.
The conclusion of this study is
1. For the appropriate spin serve there will have to be a training method to maximize the angular velocity before the impact to minimize the time interval of the serve.
2. The main variables that resulted the liner velocity of the tennis racket was 1) the abduction of the wrist joint, 2) extension of the elbow joint, and 3) the internal rotation of the shoulder joint.
3. The maximum liner velocity accord in the following pattern fast at the shoulder joint, next at the elbow joint, then at the wrist joint, and last at the racket head, this result shows that the tennis serve has been done in a proximal to distal pattern and this is an important characteristic of the tennis serve.
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Psychomotor Characteristics of Students with the Development Coordination Disorder and Sport Pedagogical Suggestions 특수체육 : 발달성협응력장애 학생의 심리운동적 특성과 체육교육론적 제언
37(3) 407-417, 1998
Psychomotor Characteristics of Students with the Development Coordination Disorder and Sport Pedagogical Suggestions 특수체육 : 발달성협응력장애 학생의 심리운동적 특성과 체육교육론적 제언
The purposes of the present paper were to review the available literature regarding psychomotor characteristics of students with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) which were described from a knowledge-based approach and to sketch some pedagogical suggestions in teaching physical education. The term developmental coordination disorder (DCD) refers to individuals without known neuromuscular problems who fail to perform culturally-normative motor skills with acceptable proficiency. The knowledge-based approach - in which knowledge was categorized into procedural, declarative, affective, and metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skill - indicated that individuals who exhibit motor difficulties may have a relatively impoverished knowledge-base in the psychomotor domain. Based on the psychomotor characteristics of students with DCD, some sport pedagogical suggestions were provided.
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Teachers' Behavioral Influence on Student Attitudes in Korean Physical Education Classes 스포츠 교육학 : 교사의 수업지도 방식이 학생의 수업태도에 미치는 영향
37(3) 421-432, 1998
Teachers' Behavioral Influence on Student Attitudes in Korean Physical Education Classes 스포츠 교육학 : 교사의 수업지도 방식이 학생의 수업태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers’behavior influences the student attitudes in Korean physical education classes. The data used for multiple regression analysis were collected in a self-administered questionnaire. The subjects of this study were selected from 595 middle school students in Seoul.
This study showed that teachers’behavior directly related to student attitudes in physical education classes. The students’active involvement in physical education classes were result of: a clearness of communication; safety instruction; readiness of instructor, active teaching and the diversity of teaching. In addition, students’ositive participation in physical education classes was influenced by active teaching, democratic teaching style, readiness of instruction, and clearness of communication from the teachers. The relationship between student achivement, respectfulness, self-confidence and satisfactory evaluation of instruction and teachers’behavior were due to: active teaching, clearness of communication, and safety instruction from the teachers.
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The Effect on the Intelligence Development of 4,5 aged Infant by the Creative Dance Program Learning in the Kindergarten 스포츠 교육학 : 유치원에서의 창작무용학습이 4.5세 유아의 지능발달에 미치는 영향
배소심SoSimBae , 안비화
37(3) 433-441, 1998
The Effect on the Intelligence Development of 4,5 aged Infant by the Creative Dance Program Learning in the Kindergarten 스포츠 교육학 : 유치원에서의 창작무용학습이 4.5세 유아의 지능발달에 미치는 영향
배소심SoSimBae , 안비화
The purpose of this study is to know if there’ any difference in the intelligence development between teaching the creative dance and teaching the traditional dance group to 4 aged infant group and 5 aged infant group.
The object of this study are the creative dance class and the traditional dance class, and the member of the tested infants is each 30 person divided 120 respectively.
Both classes were practiced for total 40 hours, 2 hours per week, and the content of class was reorganized with the content for 4,5 aged from "Now for Dance" Written by Thraves, & williamson, D. results of learning this content are as followings;
1. The meaning of language is improved significantly in the imitation and creative learning in case of 5 aged infants, and in the traditional Dance learning in case of 4 aged infants(p<.001).
2. The speed of perception did not showde any significantly increase in both traditional Dance learning and creative Dance learning for 4, 5 aged infants.
3. The quantitative ability has increased significantly in the traditional Dance learning of 4 aged and the creative learning of 5 aged infants(p<.01) (p<.05) (p<.01).
4. The special ability has showed the significant increase in the traditional Dance learning and the creative learning of both 4 and 5 aged infants.
5. In the test on movement control, there was a significant increase in the traditional Dance learning and the creative learning for only 5 aged infants.
According to the results the above mentioned, the learning of creative dancing has appeared to be more effective for 5 aged infants` intellectual development, and far 4 aged infants, the traditional Dance learning was more and more effective than the creative Dance learning.
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Comparison of Middle School Physical Education Classes between Korea and Japan 스포츠 교육학 : 한국과 일본의 중학교 체육수업 비교 분석
윤명희MyungHeeYoun , 김승재SeungJaeKim
37(3) 442-451, 1998
Comparison of Middle School Physical Education Classes between Korea and Japan 스포츠 교육학 : 한국과 일본의 중학교 체육수업 비교 분석
윤명희MyungHeeYoun , 김승재SeungJaeKim
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyzed teacher’ teaching behaviors and learner’ learning behaviors happened during physical education classes at middle schools in Korea and Japan. For purpose of that, I had recorded and observed the classes which 32 physical education teachers in both countries conducted and collected the data through class observation. I calculated the mean frequency and percentage of the data, then utilized the method to simply compare the data, and last analyzed the difference of each variables. The results are followings.
First of all, among the characteristics of learner’ learning behaviors variables, the most outstanding thing was that a lot of time spent during students’waiting time which placed at the highest rate in respective countries.
Secondly, according to analysis of the characteristics of teacher’ teaching behaviors variables, the Korean teachers spent 18.2% of total classes time in postinstruction from teachers. The Japanese teachers does 28.3% of total classes time in concurrent instruction. These were placed at the highest rate respectively.
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The Groping of the Scheme that Substantialize of Physical Education in University 스포츠 교육학 : 교양(敎養)체육(體育)의 내실화(內實化) 방안(方案) 모색(摸索)
37(3) 452-467, 1998
The Groping of the Scheme that Substantialize of Physical Education in University 스포츠 교육학 : 교양(敎養)체육(體育)의 내실화(內實化) 방안(方案) 모색(摸索)
We understood what university students experienced in the educational environment and what physical action they desire eagerly according to the needs of societies and times. So what is important in a educational sense is the developing of the new model of curriculum and the offering of the data that can draw up a efficiently optional plan of physical plan. Therefore, we reached following conclusions according to the investigation and analysis of the people of 1744. We made the W.S. university undergraduate student an object of study.
First, the student of 95.07% think positively that taking a physical education course is compulsory. The reason that they takes a physical education course is to improve man or woman’ health and to spend leisure. This rate is the percent of 76.38. Also, the rate of need of hobby and composition is the percent of 23.62. The students of 90.14% said that it need to be established that the physical education is compulsory more than one term or is optional both first semester and second semester regardless of a school subject.
Second, the rate of the students that want theory and practice to go side by side, as though an unvariable ratio, is the high percent of 82.17. The rate of theoretic class sphere that the technique and rule of sports can be helpful to the health and leisure is 90.75%. About the items of sports and the method of participation the people of 68.98% that one or two items is enforced intensively. Third, their favorite sports in classes and their lifelong sports were the squash, bowling, swimming, tennis and so on, especially squash had a best preference on both sides.
Fourth, about the method and time of evaluation, one time of theory and practice respectively is showed to be desirable. This rate is a percent of 55.12.
Fifth, the problem of current physical education class is said to be the insufficience and inconvenience of physical equipment at the rate of 61.47%. And the excess of the student present at a lecture course is the precept of 22.76. These two problem are most serious. The students of 47.36% say that the desirable number of student at a lecture course is under thirty. As the number is few, the rate of preference is high.
Sixth, the rate of school physical equipment satisfaction is very low. The students of 99.65% showed a dissatisfaction. And the high percent of student said that most satisfying equipment is not existed at all.
Seventh, the physical equipment that student desire to be establish is the place of squash and swimming pool and health training place and so on. Even though that place is charged for at the time of extra-class, the student of 59.17% say that they will use this place. And the student of 40.83% said that they would not.
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A Study of Physical Education in Korean Traditional Education 스포츠 교육학 : 한국의 전통교육과 체육
37(3) 468-481, 1998
A Study of Physical Education in Korean Traditional Education 스포츠 교육학 : 한국의 전통교육과 체육
The purpose of this study was to examine and interpret the contents of physical education which can be regarded as a traditional physical education before the civilization of Korea, and then to identify the physical education in Korea. The subjects to achieve the purposes of this study were as follow ;
First, What were the form of the educational institution and the image of human being in educational stand point. Second, What was main contents which can be regarded as a physical education in traditional education before the civilization of Korea.
Third, What was the identity of Korean traditional physical education which have been implied in traditional activities. The conclusions were as follows;
The traditional Korean society managed a school systematically from primary education to higher education. The role of educational institution was to train a government officials and bring up a man who could do his best to meet the social needs. The principal object in view was to cultivate their scholarship, but a part of informal physical activities included in the whole educational process was grasped as a traditional physical education by interpreting the concepts of hidden curriculum principles. It was speculated that the contents of traditional physical education were archery, horse riding - a part of six arts(六藝)- and many kinds of physical activities which were being at traditional society such as martial art, swimming, dance, kicking a ball, outdoor activities etc. and the program were understood non-systematic.
To speculate through the aforementioned facts that the identity of traditional physical education of Korea was to bring up a man of action and a man of wisdom. It means that physical education was not only for educational phenomenon but also for physical educational activities itself. Education, physical education and life in society were not separated as an individual concepts but of inclusive concepts.
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A Study on Behavior of Consumer According to Leisure Activity 스포츠 행정 경영 : 레저활동의 소비자 행태에 관한 연구
37(3) 485-498, 1998
A Study on Behavior of Consumer According to Leisure Activity 스포츠 행정 경영 : 레저활동의 소비자 행태에 관한 연구
The Purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between service satisfaction and leisure activity of consumer, Also in order to meet this purpose, socio-economic charicteristics were composed eight variables and the result of factor amalysis was coposed five factors for service quality and four factor leisure, the subjects if this experimental study were twofolds as one leisure activity participator and on leisure activity nonparticipator(each other 300 adults).
In order to meet this purpose, the following subsequent research questions were analyzed and these were information search path of leisure consumer, perdeive service quality, the degree of service satisfaction and the degree of leisure satisfaction.
The emperical date was obtained through questionnaires and was analyzed by means of reliability test, factor anaysis, t-Test, one-way ANOVA and correlation, multipul regression.
The results of this study are as follwings:
1. It was found that the leisure participator showed a high expectation on accesibility factor comparative service satisfactin of before and after leisure facility use.
2. Leisure participator didn`t showed a significant different the user of leisure town in terms of perceived comparative service satisfaction of before and after leisure facility use.
3. The physical satisfaction factor in the perceive of leisure activity was higher the any other factors, psychological, social and environmental order.
4. Accassibility and reliability factors were relate to the variable for leisure satisfaction on regression of leisure satisfaction and service expectation factor. It was also found that accessibility and reliability factors were evere significant factor in terms of variable for service expectation on regession of service satistaction and service expection factor.
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The Project for Activation of Cultural Physical Education in University 스포츠 행정 경영 : 대학 교양체육 활성화 방안에 관한 연구
37(3) 499-511, 1998
The Project for Activation of Cultural Physical Education in University 스포츠 행정 경영 : 대학 교양체육 활성화 방안에 관한 연구
This study was investigated the alternative ways for activation of cultural physical education in university. For the investigation, 658 freshman and sophomore in Inchon university were responsed written questionnaire. The results of this study show that there are many problems for improvement of cultural physical education; variety of cultural P·E program, lake of educational facilities, numerous student per class, time schedule, method of eveluation, and uneducational factor. They were the most important factor determing the quality of cultural physical education. When these are improved, the practical teaching on the cultural physical education is managed more effectively. Therefore, We proposed seven ways for improvement of these problem and activation of cultural physical education in university.
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The Relationship between Attitude of Spectator and toward Advertisement in Professional Basketball 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로농구 관중의 태도와 광고태도와의 관계
37(3) 512-521, 1998
The Relationship between Attitude of Spectator and toward Advertisement in Professional Basketball 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로농구 관중의 태도와 광고태도와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitude of spectator and toward advertisement in professional basketball. Subjects(n=458) were sampled from spectators of the FILA 1997-1998 pro-basketball championship. Questionary was made and used through validity and reliability test. The random sampling and self-administration method were used. Data were analyzed with SPSSWIN Ver. 7.0. The factor analysis for reliability was performed. For data analysis descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression were performed. Results were as follows:
First, there were significant differences in involvement level(p< .001), attitude of media use(p< .001), and attitude of gymnasium attendance(p< .001); no significant differences were found in cheering attitude, attitude of game watching, and attitude toward the advertisement.
Second, the result of multiple regression indicated that cheering attitude(p< .001) and attitude of gymnasium attendance(p< .05) of spectator attitude have influenced on attitude toward advertisement; not for attitude of game watching and attitude of media use. Results were discussed.
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Sport , Image , Sign , Society 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 , 이미지 , 기호 , 사회
37(3) 522-530, 1998
Sport , Image , Sign , Society 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 , 이미지 , 기호 , 사회
Sports and image, sign have become interconnected part of our life, sports have become an important aspect of our life and many sports have become dependent on the sign for sports and society. In light of these interconnections, this paper on sport, image, sign, society illustrates how this relationship has affected participation of sport in the contemporary society.
Why do human beings engage in sport? It is for fun, health, honor, friendship, or money. This question may have a lot of responses from individuals. I think, however can be no argument that the first objective of sport, from child`s play to the professional event, is to play, but it can not be the end. Here, we need to ask why people play sport. The answer is not simple. But I argue that winning is the first purpose of sport. For example, if players do not try to win in a game, it can never be sport because sport, by defintion, is a human Activity to decide who is the best in a limited condition(Ho-Kun Yi. 1995: 46).
In conclusion, I Think, why do human beings engage in sport? It is for sign of indifference values in sport types.
Key Words
The Economical Perspective of Sport Participation 체육측정평가 : 경제이론을 적용한 스포츠참여에 관한 분석
37(3) 533-546, 1998
The Economical Perspective of Sport Participation 체육측정평가 : 경제이론을 적용한 스포츠참여에 관한 분석
Sports activities have been considered as consumptive behaviors. Research in sports participation has mainly conducted through descriptive statistical analyses. However, It is our contention that those phenomenon need to be analyzed by multi-dimensional perspectives instead of a simple description. It is important to examine consumers’investment and consumption which can be contributed to the nation’s policy and financial development. This can be further pursued through panels in the national level. Identifying resources and the present status of physical education and sports may be able to facilitate planning and developing policies which can help effective management of resources. Interdisciplinary approaches with related academic disciplines such as economics would be beneficial in consolidating sports and physical education by adopting economic theories and analyses of econometrics. Ultimately, these efforts may contribute to the active sports participation of the public, resulting in increased quality of life. Future research should be directed toward determining socio-economic variables in explaining individuals` sports activities and in formulating bases in research.
Key Words
The Assessment of Activity Fitness Age in Elderly Men 체육측정평가 : 남성 고령자의 활동체력연령 추정 및 교차타당성 검토
정도상DoSangJeong , 김기학KiHackKim
37(3) 547-559, 1998
The Assessment of Activity Fitness Age in Elderly Men 체육측정평가 : 남성 고령자의 활동체력연령 추정 및 교차타당성 검토
정도상DoSangJeong , 김기학KiHackKim
The purpose of this study was to assess activity fitness age in elderly men. The subjects were 160 Korean elderly men, aged 65 to 85 in the area including Daegue, Chingu, Geochang and Chin-young. Nineteen performance tests related to common activities of daily living were selected. Correlations between the variables were computed, and principal component analysis was applied to the 19×19 correlation matrix. The 1st principal component was interpreted as fundamental activity fitness of daily living because of significantly heavy loading with all variables and the 1st principal component score decreased significantly with advancing age(r=-.600). Multiple regression analysis was performed with the 1st principal component score as the dependent measure and the 6 items as the independent variables. However, the fundamental activity fitness score(FAFS) from this equation is expressed as a Z-score, so estimated FAFS was transformed to years(activity fitness age) using the T-score idea. The equation developed to determine the activity fitness age(AFAc) was AFAc=4.764FAFS+72.925+Z, Z=0.470Age-34.275, FAFS=1.9083-0.0530X₁+0.0190X₂+0.0096X₃+0.0233X₄+0.0312X_5+0.0169X_6; where X₁=walking around two chairs in a figure 8, X₂=raising the arms while holding a bar, X₃=balancing on one leg with eyes open, X₄=sit and reach, X_5=arm curls, X_6=foot tapping.
In the cross-validation sample(n=27), no significant difference existed between AFAc and chronological ages. The equation for estimating AFAc was considered useful evaluating activity fitness of daily living in the elderly men.